fans dancing at a concert with colorful lights

Did you know? Presales are one of the most successful offers we see at Ticketmaster.  It’s more than early access; presales shape the sales cycle, helping you better gauge demand for your event.

From finding audiences through social media influencers to creating strategic partnerships, and deploying targeted marketing communications, let’s explore the top channels to extend your reach and drive presale success.

Find & Leverage ‘the Right’ Social Media Influencers 

girl screaming in a microphone

In this digital era, social media influencers hold significant power in capturing follower attention. Collaborating with the right influencers can propel your presale to new heights simply by leveraging their reach and organic impact.

Find your influencer today: 

  1. Define your target audience: Presale or not, to market any event you need to have a clear idea of who your audience is. If you don’t know off hand, you can talk to the Artist, look into past event sales or see how they’re followed across different social channels. 
  2. Identify the most suitable social channels to target your audience effectively: Different social channels lean towards different key demographics. For example, Gen Z’s are heavier users of platforms like Snapchat and TikTok, whereas Gen X’s are more present on Facebook and Instagram. 
  3. Jump into the channels you want to reach and research: Look for individuals or pages with a significant following within your target demographic and create content that resonates with their audience. Pay attention to their engagement levels, the quality of their content and the alignment of their values with your brand. Assess their credibility and reputation, and reach out to them for more information.

Once you’ve found your ‘right’ influencer, line up the timing, provide them with a unique password and watch the sales come in!  

Collaborate with 3rd Party Organizations & Platforms

team working in the office

Collaboration extends beyond influencers, and you can unlock new opportunities with third-party organizations, both large and small. Whether it’s partnering with local community networks, social media groups or school alumni, these strategic alliances have networks that can help you reach new and targeted audiences, increasing your potential for presale success. 

To find partners, follow the same steps you had to find a social media influencer – it’s that easy! Look for groups and businesses that meet your target audience and brand values, and you’re off to the races. Moreover, Ticketmaster has a suite of integrated distribution partners that can be leveraged for special offers too. 

Pro-tip: for each partner, choose a unique password so you can track the sales success of each. 

Unleash the Potential Of Email & SMS Marketing

person looking at phone with laptop in front

ICYMI, email is still one of the most effective and widely used digital channels around! With the right segmented list, email and SMS marketing channels are guaranteed direct and personalized connections with potential attendees – the key to success from here will be generating the most compelling headline to stand out in the crowd!

To segment your list, consider past purchase history, fan demographics and interests, to name a few. Remember, always follow all privacy and data sourcing guidelines when collecting and using subscriber information.

For more email tips and tricks, check out these 6 Steps to Improve Your Email Marketing

Your journey to presale triumph starts now! By selecting the right partners and channels for your offer, you’ll be sure to capture extra attention and build excitement when it matters most. 

Ready to host a presale or learn more about special offers? Get in touch!

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